
Celebration of the Establishment of S.C’s Overseas R&D Center & S.C Technology Co., Ltd.

Column:Company News Time:2020-12-09

On Nov.19th2020, S.C group first oversea R&D Center & S.C Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “SCT”) was officially established. An extraordinary opening ceremony was held via video in six locations around the world, in China and Japan, on both sides of the strait.

Mr. Yu Zhong, Chinaman of the Board; Mr. Li Shijun, General Manager; Mr. Wu Bo, Deputy General Manager; Ms. Liang Meizhen, Board Director; Mr. Zuo Guojun, General Manager of Changzhou S.C ;Mr. Usui, President of SCT; Mr. Tsang Kanta, CTO of Changzhou S.C and other leaders and technical experts attend the ceremony and witness this important historical moment together. The establishment of SCT is a milestone step in the semiconductor business of S.C Group.

Mr. Yu Zhong, Chairman of the Board, pointed out that we are well aware of our mission and responsibility, and that there are no national boundaries to the creation of new business. Both the partners from China and Japan shall use the new company as a link to create the brilliant global semiconductor business. Mr. Li Shijun, General Manager, pointed out that with the signing of the RCEP Agreement by 15 countries, the establishment of SCT is at the right time, which will definitely be able to ride the wind and waves, march forward courageously; Mr. Zuo Guojun pointed out that the integration of science and technology and culture presents the concept of globalization, and the synergistic development of technology is also an inevitable trend, SCT will surely bring strong strength to the S.C Group; Mr. Usui, President of SCT, pointed out the SCT will carry forward the spirit of “Yugong Moving Mountains”, continue to develop core technologies and continue to bring higher value products to the S.C Group.

The solar cell manufacturing equipment developed by S.C group is one of the application areas of the semiconductor process, and its texturing, diffusion, etching, PECVD equipment are all related to the semiconductor process. S.C has become a leading company of the solar cell manufacturing equipment and extends its products development path to the field of semiconductor equipment, realizing the optimization of industrial structure, enhancing the company’s independent innovation ability and R&D level in related fields, promoting new products R&D and technological innovation, making it enter into the international team of domestic integrated circuit process equipment quickly and making contribution to the perfection of the domestic semiconductor industry chain and industrial ecological system. The establishment of SCT will accelerate the S.C Group’s R&D in high-end semiconductor special equipment, by benchmarking against first-tier equipment enterprises at home and abroad and taking advantages of favorable resources, S.C will move into the field of special semiconductor process equipment rapidly and achieve the important mission of dominating in the semiconductor industry in China.

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