
The Director of the Management Committee of Changzhou High-tech Zone & Mayor of Changzhou Xinbei District and Leadership Team Visited Our Company

Column:Company News Time:2019-07-29

On July 17th, Mr. Qiao Junjie, director of the Management Committee of Changzhou High-tech Zone & Mayor of Xinbei District; Mr. Hang Hongwei, director of the Commerce Bureau of High-tech Zone; Ms. Cao Yu, director of Administrative Bureau of Comprehensive Free Trade Zone; Mr. Bai Zhengtang, Town Chief of Luoxi Town People's Government; Mr. Wang Zijing, officer of Party Committee Office and Government Office of Xinbei District; and Mr. Shi Yufei, officer of Merchants Bureau of Xinbei District, inspected S.C's head quarters in Shenzhen. S.C leaders, Mr. Yu Zhong, chairman of S.C; Mr. Wang Yukang, the secretary of board; Mr. Zhao Youqiang, director of Administration Center and Ms. Tan Xiangping, Director of Fund Management Center, etc., accompanied the visitation.

First of all, Mr. Yu Zhong showed these leaders around our workshop, comprehensive office area, rooftop PV power station, etc., and introduced S.C’s development history, equipment production process, technical characteristics and R&D capabilities, so that they learn more about S.C. The size and strength of S.C have been highly praised by these leaders. 

Next, the two sides held a working discussion. Mr. Yu Zhong expressed warm welcome to the arrival of Mr. Qiao Junjie and his party. He also thanked Changzhou government for its attention, support and help to S.C. Mr. Yu Zhong said that S.C attaches importance to technical R&D. We not only have set up expert teams, but also cooperate with universities and research institutes, which have helped us develop and produce a large number of high-quality and efficient equipment and win the recognition of customers.

Mr. Qiao Junjie said that S.C is a listed company with strong development momentum and broad market prospects; Changzhou S.C, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen S.C, has achieved excellent performance and won widely praise. He hoped S.C will do a good job in future strategic planning and industrial layout, and will get faster and better development in Changzhou.

At the meeting, Mr. Hang Hongwei, Ms. Cao Yu, Mr. Bai Zhengtang and other leaders all made speeches, which further promoted the friendly relations between government and enterprises.

Figure: Leaders Visit S.C's Workshop

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