
Drying &Firing Furnace (Mesh-belt Conveyor)

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES > Metallization Equipment Series > Drying &Firing Furnace (Mesh-belt Conveyor)

Drying &Firing Furnace (Mesh-belt Conveyor)

The printed front &rear electrodes are fired and fused into the PN junction layer to form an ohmic contact through firing process,which allows the electrical energy collected by the fingers to flow out through the busbars.

Equipment Name:

Drying &Firing Furnace (Mesh-belt Conveyor)

Equipment Model:


Equipment Application:

The printed front &rear electrodes are fired and fused into the PN junction layer to form an ohmic contact through firing process,which allows the electrical energy collected by the fingers to flow out through the busbars.

Process Flow:



1、Dual-track production line, the rack and electrical parts completely independent without interfering operations of each other.

2、High throughput: match with the throughput of screen printing process, CT≤0.80s, based on silicon wafer size M10 (18X±0.5mm*18X±0.5mm). 


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