
Horizontal PECVD (Poly-Si)

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES > Horizontal Furnaces Series > Horizontal PECVD (Poly-Si)

Horizontal PECVD (Poly-Si)

Deposition of tunnel oxide layer, i-Poly and D-poly for TOPCon solar cells.

Equipment Name:

Horizontal PECVD (Poly-Si)

Equipment Model:


Equipment Application:

Deposition of tunnel oxide layer, i-Poly and D-poly for TOPCon solar cells.


1、The tunnel oxide layer, i-poly, and D-poly layers can be coated in the same furnace tube which helps in reducing the process steps, improving the yield and lowering the breakage rate effectively.

2、Without hot wall effects, so quartz tube has a long service life. 

3、Slight wrap-around deposition which is easy to be removed.

4、Precise doping; available to introduce other efficiency-enhancing doping elements, suitable for process expansion and large space for efficiency improvement.

5、Patented anti-conduction technology.


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