
Secretary Tao Yongxin of Pingshan District Committee and Leadership Team Visited Our Company

Column:Company News Time:2020-03-25

On March 24th, Secretary Tao Yongxin of Pingshan District Committee, Deputy Governor Li Yong and other leaders from Office of Pingshan District Committee (District Government), Development and Reform Bureau, Industrial and Information Technology Bureau, Human Resources Bureau, Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau, Invest Pingshan, etc., inspected Shenzhen S.C and learned about S.C’s work resumption and needs during the pandemic outbreak response.

Our General Manager Mr. Li Shijun accompanied Secretary Tao Yongxin and other leaders visiting S.C’s exhibition hall and introduced the development status of photovoltaic industry and the company profile, development history, customer distribution and technology research and development of S.C, which were recognized by these leaders.


Visit the Exhibition Hall

At the symposium, Mr. Li Shijun reported to the government leaders the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the photovoltaic industry, the prevention and control measures that S.C has taken in response to the pandemic and S.C’s related demands. Secretary Tao Yongxin and his team carefully listened to the work report of S.C, and praised S.C for its outstanding contribution to the economic development of Pingshan. They also concerned about S.C‘s future development layout and proposed that S.C should work out a written report on the development plan and demands put forward by S.C at the symposium, and these leaders said that the government departments at all levels would seriously discuss these to assist enterprises in solving the current problems.


The Symposium


In consideration of S.C having a great need for protective supplies because of the large number of employees, the leaders of Pingshan District donated a batch of masks to S.C to help us resume work and production and overcome the difficulties. 


Protective Masks Donation

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