



Brand Meaning: Success comes from creation, and perfection comes from pursuit of excellence.

English Letters:

“Exact”stands for Precision, Accuracy and Excellence;

“S”stands for Success, which means success;

“C”stands for Create, which means to create;

S?C, which means success comes from creation, a value pursued by the S.C Group.


S.C Logo is an ellipse figure inclined to the upper right, symbolizing the rising sun and representing sunshine and hope, enthusiasm, the pursuit of perfect service concepts and a far-reaching international vision.

Main color is red, represents enthusiasm, passion and hope,the dedication and love of S.C people to the Photovoltaic & optoelectronic industries and the great passion in serving our customers.

  • Vision

    Standing in the Top Line of Chinese Corporations  Working for World-class Brand.

  • Mission

    Work for the Development of Green Industry   Dedicate to Offer Clean Energy.

  • Core values

    Customer Satisfaction, Continuous Innovation, Efficiency and Unique, Pursuit of Excellence.

Cultural Philosophy

Cultural Philosophy

  • Strategy

    Leading Technology, Advanced Management and First-class Service.

  • Business Philosophy

    To develop and produce the first-class Photovoltaic equipment on the basis of the customers’ demands.Providing the first-class service and make profits for our customers.

  • Management Philosophy

    Process control, highlighting goals, standard regulations, effective assessment; project listing, responsibility contracting, talent training, excellent performance and practical results.

  • Enterprise Spirit

    Never give up and seek truth from facts.

  • Quality Goal

    Customer satisfaction score is over 90 points and products qualified rate in factory inspection is 100%.

  • Quality Policy

    Scientific Management, Quality First, Customer First, Integrity Management.

  • Teamwork

    Managers” Diligent “and members”Work Hard”.

联系我们: 济南市| 黄梅县| 宁阳县| 肇庆市| 榕江县| 天祝| 和政县| 麻栗坡县| 邢台市| 桃源县| 乳山市| 泾源县| 河南省| 泸定县| 海城市| 通海县| 房山区| 建水县| 西安市| 随州市| 岳西县| 锦州市| 西青区| 海宁市| 壶关县| 定西市| 万载县| 衡阳市| 锡林浩特市| 肥乡县| 贵阳市| 贡嘎县| 古田县| 会东县| 舟曲县| 武功县| 花垣县| 宜黄县| 苏州市| 桐城市| 台州市|