
R&D Centers

R&D Centers

We focus on talent training and investment in R&D, established Jiangsu Advanced Technology Industrial Research Institute for Ultra-efficient Solar Cells, set up high-efficiency solar cell pilot lines and new product R&D laboratories, built Guangdong High-efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Equipment Manufacturing Engineering and Technological Research Center, Shenzhen Enterprise Technology Center, Jiangsu Photovoltaic Wet Process Equipment Engineering and Technological Research Center, Jiangsu Provincial Enterprise Technology Center, Changzhou Engineering Research Center and National Post-Doctoral Research Center,etc. By attracting and cultivating talents and increasing R&D investment to enhance our independent innovation capabilities and long maintained a technology leading position in the industry. 

R&D Personnel
R&D Investment
  • Main Honors

    National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise, the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of  Ministry of Education, the Second Prize of the National Technology Invention Award, the Chinese Patent Excellence Award, the Second Prize and the Third Prize of the Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, the Second Prize of the Jiangsu Science and Technology Award, the First Prize and the Second Prize of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award and so on, greatly enhanced the brand awareness and influence of S.C Group.

联系我们: 抚顺市| 灯塔市| 本溪市| 神农架林区| 阳泉市| 唐山市| 沅江市| 江达县| 昌乐县| 平度市| 利津县| 西和县| 临高县| 泸溪县| 宁德市| 察哈| 江源县| 阳新县| 福贡县| 慈溪市| 刚察县| 芜湖县| 弥渡县| 巴青县| 长沙市| 沽源县| 濮阳市| 长治县| 北京市| 乐业县| 晋州市| 扎鲁特旗| 库尔勒市| 介休市| 东至县| 克拉玛依市| 赤峰市| 宁明县| 水城县| 清徐县| 梁平县|