
Heterojunction Solar Cell Pilot Line

Heterojunction Solar Cell Pilot Line

 HJT pilot line is a verification & innovation platform for HJT solar cell manufacturing equipment, covering an area of about 5,000m2. All the processing equipment manufactured byour business divisions is verified in this pilot line and is fully staffed and operated in accordance with the requirements of cell production line in mass production. More than 20 sets of processing equipment independently designed and manufactured by S.C is included in the pilot line, covering all process steps and with full intellectual property rights.

With a laboratory inside the pilot line,including 9 professional testing personneland 20 test instruments, such as Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrometers, Hall effect tester and quantum efficiency tester and so on, which can test the Raman spectrum, crystallization rate, carrier mobility, organic composition, infrared spectrum of compounds, micro-morphology and other indicators of solar cells, providing comprehensive and objective data for equipment improvement and process commissioning, improving R&D efficiency.

The HJTpilot line has strong upgrading capabilities in equipment & process by the very high standards of professional R&D and technical team, to promote the independent design of equipment, verification and optimization of key componentsand the upgrading of cell technology and production lines in each process step quickly.

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