


  • 2024

    Successful R&D of Double-sided roll-to-roll sputter systems for  Lithium battery composite collector.

    Awarded as the "National Manufacturing Individual Champion Enterprise".

  • 2023

    Changzhou S.C's Innovation Industrial Park was inaugurated.

    Successful R&D of wet chemical equipment for electronic grade silicon materials.

  • 2022

    Mass production of horizontal PECVD(Poly-Si),which facilitates the massive expansion of production capacity of TOPCon solar cells with PE-poly technical route in China.

  • 2021

    HJT pilot line was completed.

    Mass production of semiconductor batch-type wet chemical equipment.

  • 2020

    Launch of ultra high efficiency HJT solar cell production equipment to the market.

    Employee equity incentive program.

  • 2019

    In 2019,S.C moved to pingshan District  Shenzhen.

    Changzhou S.C Smart Equipment Co.,Ltd. was founded.

    The new generation Metallization Line was developed successfully.

    Mass production of horizontal PECVD(AlOx).

    S.C products successfully exported to Korea market.

  • 2018

    On August 10th, 2018,S.C successfully listed on the Growth Enterprise Market (Stock ID: S.C, Stock Code: 300724) .

    Mass prodution of batch alkaline polishing  equipment.

    S.C products successfully exported to Turkey,Egypt and Singapore market.

  • 2017

    On July 16,2017,the former chairman of the company,Mr.Jiang Liujian,died of illness. In 2017,mass production of MCCE equipment.

    Mass production of HIT texturing equipment.

  • 2016

    In 2016,Achieved a major breakthrough in Turnkey Project overseas, first launched high throughput equipment to the market.

  • 2014

    In 2014,With the strategy of automation,efficiency and internationalization, S.C oversea market develops with domestic market synchronously.

  • 2011

    In 2011, S.C was officially changed into S.C New Energy Technology Corporation.

  • 2010

    In 2010,S.C Wetron and S.C Exact integrated into Shenzhen S.C Exact Equipment Co., Ltd. S.C has achieved remarkable sales and its products successfully exported to the Indian market.

  • 2008

    In 2008,a new sales record was set. Chang zhou S.C Exact Equipment Co.,Ltd was founded with an industrial park of 30000㎡ in Changzhou.

  • 2007

    In 2007,Shenzhen S.C Wetron Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd was founded in Shenzhen.

  • 2003

    In 2003,Shenzhen S.C Exact Equipment Co.,Ltd was founded in Shenzhen by Mr.Jiang Liujian,the former chairman of S.C.

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