
Company introduction

Company introduction

Shenzhen S.C New Energy Technology Corporation was founded in 2003, is a national high-tech equipment manufacturer with capabilities into R&D, manufacturing & sales of photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing equipment.

S.C has manufacturing bases covering more than 200,000m2 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province and Changzhou, Jiangsu Province; with a total of over 7,000 employees and an R&D team of over 1,200 personnel in 2023.

With focus on solar photovoltaic industry and with industry’s leading capabilities in R&D, manufacturing and supply of solar cell manufacturing equipment, S.C provides equipment of many types mainly:wet chemical equipment series, horizontal furnaces series, plate-type/inline equipment series, laser equipment series, metallization equipment series and smart manufacturing equipment series. Today with ranking 1st in the industry in terms of production and sales volume for 7 consecutive years, S.C has grown into one of the largest solar cell manufacturing equipment supplier in the world.

Facing the global pressure on resources & environment, S.C has been practicing the goal of "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" with scientific and technological innovation, taking the promotion of PV grid parity and popularization of green energy as our own responsibility, comprehensively laying out various technologies like TOPCon, HJT, IBC, Perovskite solar cell manufacturing equipment providing high-efficiency solar cell manufacturing equipment and smart factory solutions, and at the same time, following the development path of PV equipment products has ventures into the field of semiconductor equipment.

Looking into the future,with the vision of "Standing in the Top Line of Chinese Corporations, Working for the World Class Brand”, S.C will continue to deepen into the field of solar cell manufacturing equipment, adhere to the long-term goals,expand our leading superiority, and strive to become a Tier 1 new energy equipment supplier and system solution integrator worldwide. As a corporate citizen, S.C will be always bededicated to the production of clean energy technologies and would contribute to a better tomorrow for mankind.

联系我们: 阿克陶县| 通榆县| 平罗县| 九台市| 宁化县| 丰镇市| 陆丰市| 乌苏市| 龙游县| 五莲县| 秀山| 贺兰县| 定兴县| 广河县| 德兴市| 开鲁县| 京山县| 泰来县| 三门峡市| 类乌齐县| 双牌县| 策勒县| 鄂托克前旗| 临汾市| 屯门区| 牙克石市| 巩留县| 黔西| 全南县| 保德县| 敦化市| 鸡泽县| 新泰市| 甘谷县| 新闻| 原平市| 常宁市| 临邑县| 荃湾区| 保康县| 彭阳县|