
S.C was Graded as A in the Appraisal of Information Disclosure of SEZE

Column:Company News Time:2020-09-08

Recently, Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) announced 2019 appraisal results of Information Disclosure of listed companies, and S.C was graded as A--the highest grade.

Among the 787 GEM listed companies participating in the appraisal, 119 companies were graded A (15.12%), 545 companies B (69.25%), 100 companies C (12.71%), and 23 companies D (2.92%).

Since its listing, S.C has carried out the work of information disclosure in strict accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the regulations of the regulatory documents of SZSE and SC’s internal regulations and requirements, fulfilled its information disclosure obligations in a truthful, accurate, complete, timely and fair manner, and improved the initiative, pertinence and effectiveness of its information disclosure, which laid a solid foundation for the company’s integrity management and standard operation. S.C being graded A not only reflects the recognition of the company's information disclosure work by regulatory agencies, but also further enhances the company's good image in the capital market.

In the future, S.C will further improve the management, quality and efficiency of information disclosure, promote the company and investors to form a good relationship, and promote the coordinated development of investor returns and company value.



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