
S.C First Batch of PECVD Processed HJT Cells Produced Successfully

Column:Company News Time:2021-08-20

On the afternoon of August 18, an exciting news came from Changzhou S.C Exact Equipment Co., Ltd, a wholly- owned subsidiary of S.C New Technology Corporation- the first batch of HJT cells processed from the horizontal PECVD equipment successfully, which is also the first batch of HJT cells processed in the horizontal plasma vapor deposition process in the world.

S.C has been committed to the R&D and manufacturing of advanced PV manufacturing equipment, the successful application of horizontal PECVD process to coat amorphous silicon film in HJT cells is a pioneering initiative in the field of global PV manufacturing equipment field, and also a breakthrough in the research and development of core technology of HJT solar cells.

The horizontal PECVD has the features of low investment cost, small footprint, high uptime and low maintenance cost, which is especially suitable for mass production lines. The successful application of horizontal PECVD in the HJT solar cell process will definitely become a milestone event on the road of cost reduction and efficiency improvement of HJT solar cells!

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