
S.C Won the Bid for TOPCon Solar Cell Manufacturing Equipment of PE-Poly Route Again

Column:Company News Time:2022-08-01

Recently, following the installation of the new PECVD and TCO equipment of Changzhou HIT Pilot Line Research Institute of S.C and the steady upgraded the dual routes of the horizontal & Plate-type PECVD, the TOPCon equipment of PE-Poly route independently developed by S.C has once again successfully won the bid for TOPCon solar cell manufacturing equipment project from a global leading solar cell enterprise.

Since its establishment nearly 20 years ago, S.C has continuously deepened the R&D and manufacturing of photovoltaic equipment in order to better serve our customers and serve the industry, and constantly consolidated its leading position in the high-efficiency crystalline solar cell manufacturing equipment industry in the world. Ranging from poly-si to mono-si, from P-type to N-type, from crystalline to thin film, S.C keeps pace with the times and is deeply involved in the area of core manufacturing equipment for photovoltaic cells. In recent years, S.C has responded actively to the development needs of customers for the transformation of new cell technology, adhered to guidance of customer value and industry technology development path, vigorously and steadily promoted the R&D and innovation of new manufacturing equipment for TOPCon/HIT/perovskite soalr cells, fully focused on the real economy of cell manufacturing, and provided strong technology and equipment for customers’ production lines to reduce costs, improve efficiency and create value.

Under the general background of mankind’s joint response to climate change and promotion of energy transformation, the global green industry has accelerated its development and constantly promoted the transformation and upgrading of the economy, energy and industrial structure, with a view to achieving sustainable socio-economic development. China takes the comprehensive green transformation of socio-economic development as its guidance, takes the green and low-carbon energy development as its key, and adheres to the development path of ecological priority and green and low-carbon.

Today, China has become the leading role in the development of renewable energy in the world, with leading newly installed PV capacity in the world for 9 consecutive years, and the cumulative installed capacity ranking the 1st in the world for 7 consecutive years. PV people who are not afraid of difficulties, forge ahead, dare to work hard and be brave in innovation will continue to focus on the strategic pattern of the industry development, stick to technological innovation, calmly and firmly tramp over the mountains on the road of pursuing perfection, and keep looking for their own beautiful landscape. 

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