
S.C Won “Pioneer Award of New Industries of the Greater Bay Area”

Column:Company News Time:2022-09-30

On September 22, the "Great Bay Area - Great Wisdom" 2022 New Industry Summit of the Greater Bay Area and the Inauguration Ceremony of Wancai Agency of Nanfang Metropolis,  which was guided by Nanfang Daily Newspaper Group, hosted by Nanfang Metropolis Daily, N-Video of Nanfang Metropolis and organized by Wancai Agency of Nanfang Metropolis, was held in OCT Tower, Shenzhen. During the summit, four great awards were officially released in the honor of “Pioneers of the Industry”, including “Empowerment and Contribution Award of Real Economy of the Greater Bay Area”, “Financial Innovation Service Award of the Greater Bay Area”, “Pioneer Award of New Industries of the Greater Bay Area” and “Newcomer Award of New Industries of the Greater Bay Area”. S.C won the “Pioneer Award of New Industries of the Greater Bay Area” for its outstanding performance in the R&D and production of PV solar cell manufacturing equipment through many years.

As a rapid-developing enterprise of new energy equipment R&D and manufacturing, S.C will continue to commit to the R&D and production of PV solar cell manufacturing equipment and semiconductor equipment along with the flourishing of the Greater Bay Area, boosting the high-quality growth in the real economy of the Greater Bay Area with practical actions.

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