
S.C's TOPCon Solar Cell Production Line Manufacturing Equipment (PE-poly) Help Customers Achieve Mass Production Rapidly

Column:Company News Time:2023-05-29

Recently, through close cooperation with a customer, S.C has successfully achieved mass production of the TOPCon production line in PE-poly route rapidly, with an average efficiency of over 25% and an average yield of over 90% after only 10 days of intensive commissioning. 

With the TOPCon becoming the mainstream technical route of solar cells production and the large-scale expansion of TOPCon production lines in the PV industry, S.C’s equipment orders for the production of advanced solar cells increased rapidly and its  market share of the core processing equipment continues to increase steadily.

The PE-poly technical route is increasingly recognized by customers for its advantages such as high-quality coating films and flexible process windows. The commissioning results of the full production line at the customer's premise has effectively validated the advantages of PE-poly in mass production, which established a solid technical foundation for the development and application of Horizontal PECVD in TOPCon bi-facial solar cells (poly-si), and also encouraged S.C’s continuous development towards innovative technology greatly and further consolidated S.C’s leading position in the field of specialized manufacturing equipment and technology for advanced solar cells.

Relying on the rapid development of the new energy industry and focusing on our development strategy of “Advanced Technology, Leading Management and First-Class Service”, S.C will seize the opportunity of technological change, continue to study and explore in the field of photovoltaic technology, and contribute to the goal of clean energy development with full enthusiasm.

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