
S.C's Successor, Creating the Future——2023 S.C Trainee Employee Summer Camp Successfully Held

Column:Company News Time:2023-07-28

Summer is the longest vacation and the most unrestrained season for students in school. For the S.C’s training employees, it is a new starting point. They will bid farewell to their youthful student days this summer and officially start their career at S.C. From July 10th to 14th, the "S.C Successor · Creating the Future" 2023 S.C Trainee Employee Summer Camp was successfully held. Fifty-five fresh undergraduate and master's graduates from multiple universities across the country gathered together with a vision for the future of S.C and the photovoltaic industry, embarking on a wonderful journey of learning and exploration. During this week, they delved into and jointly explored from the current situation of the photovoltaic industry to essential skills in the workplace, from the company's development history to product knowledge in various fields, striving to become qualified “S.C” members.


Group Photo of the Opening Ceremony


1. Carefully prepare to ensure the perfection of details

In order to ensure the smooth journey of the summer camp, the Human Resources and Administration Department has coordinated with various business departments and functional departments to carefully prepare various matters from one month before the start of the camp.


Site design, vehicle scheduling, meal itinerary, dormitory arrangement, guest docking, course production, etc. Detailed project goals and action plans have been set for each stage, ensuring that all processes are flawless.


2. Comprehensive upgrade to create high-quality training projects

Compared with the 22nd training camp, the 23rd summer camp has undergone comprehensive upgrades and iterations in the following aspects, helping the trainees to smoothly turn around in the workplace.

Expansion Activity of “Super Monopoly”

  Curriculum Upgrade

The course design of this summer camp has been optimized based on the year 2022. It is divided into five modules according to the theme: "Opening Ice Break Day", "Workplace Turning Day", "Industry Exploration Day", "Factory Study Day", and "Splendid Bloom Day". The focus of each theme is clear and progressive, aiming to help trainees quickly master workplace skills and industry basic knowledge, so that they can quickly enter their roles after the training is over and seamless integration of mentor training work.


Active Interaction and Careful Discussion in the Course

 Upgrade Training Form

Compared to traditional teaching, this summer camp integrates multiple forms of training. The ice breaking team building process carried out by a third-party professional training company quickly brought the distance between the "Jie" class members and enhanced mutual understanding. Of course, the teaching of the 23rd Summer Camp is not limited to the training venue. The class members traveled to the 150 acre new factory building during the study tour to experience the modern intelligent manufacturing workshop; during the study tour outside the factory, visit the Changzhou Museum and Changzhou Planning Museum to experience the wonderful interweaving of history and the future. The final group presentation session provides a platform for all members to showcase their teamwork and personal abilities.


Study Abroad: Changzhou Planning Museum &Changzhou Museum

 Upgrade the Experience Atmosphere

In this training session, the project team focused on "summer vitality" and integrated elements such as the silhouette of the new factory building to design a brand new main vision, which extended the supporting visual elements such as banners, handbags, flip flops, and group photo areas. Both participants and lecturers can immerse themselves in the youthful atmosphere created by the project team in the first place. At the same time, the daily training content will also be sent out on the same day through the production of excellent online photo albums, Vlogs, etc., to help class members retain beautiful memories during the training period in a timely manner. In addition, the individual/group points obtained through course interaction and activity rankings this year will also be announced in a timely manner every day, creating a positive atmosphere of catching up and surpassing students.


“Summer Vitality” Theme Vlog Cover and Group Photo Area


3. Experts Gathered & Professional Courses

The lecturer team at the 23rd Summer Camp can be described as an "all star" lineup. All lecturers are business unit leaders or senior industry experts.

During the course of teaching, they relied on years of professional experience and research and development experience to explain the cutting-edge knowledge of the industry to the class in simple and profound terms, from industry trends to company products, and to consolidate the theoretical foundation.



Experience of Summer Camp



This summer camp has shown me many excellent people, and I hope that in the future, I can become as excellent as them!


Be someone who has the courage and the courage to try! You just need to work hard, just move forward, and heaven will measure it.


I'm glad to meet so many lovely people at the summer camp. I hope we can get in touch more in the future, have a clear goal in our work, and have a happy life!


After a week of intensive training, combined with the interaction in the teaching process, the ranking of group cooperation tasks, and the comprehensive score of the final report, some of the class members stood out and were awarded the titles of Excellent Student and Excellent Group.


 Photo of Outstanding Students and Groups


There are more directions ahead, so have more steps to go! Take continuous actions to move ahead and will certainly meet our goal. After the completion of the training, trainees in the class will officially enter into the company department and begin a 180-day training period. Just as the pop song saying: “The stars are speckling on the sky in a tranquil summer”. I believe that under the cultivation of their mentors, they can shine like the stars in the summer night, although they may only be specks of light, they will definitely shine their own light and shine through the night sky!


Trainee Class Group in Changzhou S.C New Factory  

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