
S.C Successfully Delivered Vertical Thin-film Coating Equipment for Large-area Perovskite Solar Cell

Column:Company News Time:2023-10-20

Recently, S.C successfully delivered vertical thin-film coating equipment for large-area perovskite solar cell, including RPD and PVD equipment for manufacturing of perovskite solar cells. S.C’s RPD has been put into use on the customer’s perovskite R&D production line with its efficiency of more than 19% on perovskite modules as certified by a third party.

The successful delivery of the S.C’s RPD and PVD equipment marks that S.C continues to achieve breakthroughs and gain customer recognition in the field of perovskite solar cells and obtain repeated orders from customers, making progress in the development of photovoltaic new technology. S.C is capable to supply the whole production lines of perovskite single-junction solar cells, all-perovskite tandem cells, TOPCon tandem perovskite and HJT tandem perovskite cells. And RPD launched by S.C has achieved innovative expansion of technology application in the field of perovskite solar cells due to its high transmittance, high deposition rate and high conversion efficiency of the film deposition, and has been highly recognized by the market. In addition, Evaporation Equipment, Coating Equipment and SE Laser launched by S.C have been continuously optimized based on the personalized needs of customers, and furthermore, S.C has creatively launched a Perovskite Solar Cell Vacuum Coating Equipment (5-in-1), which continues to help customers reduce costs and increase efficiency, and effectively promotes the R&D and production of customers in the field of perovskite solar cell technology.

As one of the most advanced companies in China’s solar cell manufacturing equipment, S.C has completed the layout of the whole production lines for manufacturing equipment with high-efficiency and ultra-high efficiency solar cell technologies such as PERC, TOPCon, HJT, perovskite and perovskite tandem cell under the background of fast iteration of solar cell technologies. S.C continuously leads the development of solar cell manufacturing equipment technology and contributes to the development of the photovoltaic industry.

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