
Zhou Haibing, Vice Governor of Hunan Government and Mayor of Changsha and Leadership Team Visited Shenzhen S.C

Column:Company News Time:2023-12-15

On the morning of December 11th, Zhou Haibing, Vice Governor of Hunan Government, Deputy Secretary of the Changsha Municipal Committee and Mayor of Changsha, and leadership team visited Shenzhen S.C. Mr. Yu Zhong, Vice Chairman and General Manager of Shenzhen S.C, and other leaders warmly welcomed them to discuss government-enterprise cooperation, school-enterprise cooperation and the development prospects of PV industry.



Vice Governor Zhou and his team visited the exhibition hall and production workshop of Shenzhen S.C. General Manager Yu Zhong and other leaders of the Company introduced to the research team in detail the prospect of PV industry, company profile, market expansion, intellectual property rights and the Company’s advanced technology and product manufacturing in PV equipment and semiconductor equipment. Mr. Yu said that Shenzhen S.C is a “Hunan Merchant” company with a profound relationship with Hunan Province, and has established a sound school-enterprise cooperative relationship with Hunan University, Central South University, Central South University of Forestry and Technology and other Changsha universities, and has made achievements in industry-academy-research projects and talent training. At the same time, Shenzhen S.C is on track with equipment technology research carried out with a number of companies in Changsha.


Vice Governor Zhou and his team had a detailed understanding of our product line and innovation achievements, thoroughly researched the market development of PV industry, upstream and downstream of PV industrial chains, domestic and foreign technical barriers and the development of semiconductor manufacturing equipment industry, and highly appreciated our existing development scale, production capacity, technology and achievements. Vice Governor Zhou hopes Shenzhen S.C can continuously exert its own advantages, carry out key technologies research, strengthen its independent innovation capability, enhance its competitiveness, and contribute to the realization of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality goal. Meanwhile, Vice Governor Zhou hopes that Shenzhen S.C will carry out multi-level exchanges and cooperation with relevant companies and universities in Hunan to jointly promote the improvement and development of the PV industry and semiconductor manufacturing equipment industry.

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