
Up to 745.33W! S.C Made A New Output Record for HJT Solar Modules

Column:Company News Time:2024-01-29

In January 2024, through a month of continuous optimization, the power of S.C's HJT single-glass modules reached 745.33W, that of double glass single seal modules 741.66W, and the highest power of net double glass mass production modules 735.79W, compared to the peak of 738.98W in December 2023. The cells of the above HJT modules all adopt 12BB printing process, once again breaking the Company's HJT modules power record!

The cells used in this high-efficiency modules are all from Changzhou S.C's pilot line, and the average conversion efficiency of the cells reaches 25.5% or 25.6% (ISFH), with double-sided micro-crystalline process for PECVD, double-sided VTTO for PVD, and 12BB printing for Metallization.

At present, the deposition rate has been increased from 2.0 ?/s to over 2.4 ?/s with PECVD high-speed RF crystalline P technology while ensuring the crystallization rate of the film, further reducing the hardware cost of PECVD.

 HJT Modules Performance Table

As the ancient poem says, “A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves; I'll set my cloud-like sail to cross the sea which raves.” S.C has repeatedly achieved breakthroughs in HJT modules power in just a few months, which reflects the superiority and advancement of S.C's equipment performance and technology, and demonstrates its determination to adhere to technology research and development as its core competitiveness. In the future, S.C will continue to be active in R&D and innovation, actively responds to technological changes, and vigorously lay out multiple technical routes such as TOPCon, HJT, XBC, Perovskite solar cells and Tandem Cells, as well as constantly explore, which contributes to achieving sustainable development of global energy.

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