
GREAT HONORS!Shenzhen S.C and its Subsidiaries Won Many Honors

Column:Company News Time:2024-03-20

The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring and the spirit of the dragon and the horse bring good news. Recently, Shenzhen S.C and its subsidiaries have received many honors and good news. Shenzhen S.C won the honor of “Outstanding Contribution Industrial Enterprise in Pingshan District in 2023” by the People's Government of Pingshan District; Changzhou S.C, a subsidiary of Shenzhen S.C, also won many awards including “Significant Contributions”, “Industrial Five-Star Enterprise”, “Top Ten Enterprises with Average Tax Revenue per mu Contribution” and “Top Ten Enterprises with Innovation Investment” by Changzhou Municipal People's Government; Mr. Zuo Guojun, Chairman of Shenzhen S.C, won the title of “Industrial Star Entrepreneur”. Such honors not only demonstrate the outstanding strength of Shenzhen S.C in the industrial sector, but also greatly encourage employees to work hard in the coming new year.

Over the past twenty years, Shenzhen S.C has been keeping up with the pace of development of the times, standing at the forefront of industry development, actively responding to the national policy call for the new energy industry, and practicing the goal of “Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality” with scientific and technological innovation, taking the promotion of PV grid parity and popularization of green energy as our own responsibility, as well as comprehensively laying out various technologies like TOPCon, HJT, IBC, Perovskite solar cells manufacturing equipment and semiconductor equipment. Meanwhile, with the establishment of a number of subsidiaries in accordance with the needs of business development, Shenzhen S.C has been expanding its business layout and enhancing its technical strength to meet the diversified needs of customers for high-efficient solar cells manufacturing equipment and smart manufacturing system solutions. Currently, Shenzhen S.C and its subsidiaries is going well in equipment technology R&D, product innovation and market expansion, which has grown into an excellent global supplier of solar cell manufacturing equipment.

Looking into the future, motivated by these honors, Shenzhen S.C will make greater contributions to the Company's sustainable development and the national industrial modernization with firmer convictions, higher morale and more robust pace, and demonstrate the responsibility & commitment of a new energy manufacturing equipment manufacturer.

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