
S.C Won Another Bid for a High-Efficiency Thin-Film Perovskite Solar Cell Pilot Line Project

Column:Company News Time:2024-07-02

Recently, S.C’s self-developed Magnetron Sputtering Equipment has won the bid for another pilot manufacturing line project for high-efficiency thin-film perovskite solar cells of a leading company, marking a continued increase in the market competitiveness and customer recognition of S.C’s perovskite solar cell equipment.

In recent years, S.C has been proactively improving and innovating the technical layout of perovskite solar cell equipment. At present, S.C is capable of providing equipment for the complete production lines of Single-Junction Perovskite solar cells, All-Perovskite Tandem solar cells, Perovskite/TOPCon Tandem solar cells, and Perovskite/HJT Tandem solar cells. So far this year, S.C has delivered several sets of equipment to customers, including Large-Size Perovskite Coating Equipment, Large-Size Flash Evaporation Equipment (VCD), Magnetron Sputtering & Reactive Plasma Deposition Equipment for Perovskite Solar Cells, etc., and facilitates the development of perovskite and perovskite tandem solar cell technology.


In the era of rapid changes in solar cell technology, S.C, as an advanced solar cell equipment manufacturing company, is actively developing new processes, new technologies and new products, and has completed the layout of complete production lines of various high-efficiency/ultra-high-efficiency solar cell technologies, with the goal of contributing to the continuous cost reduction and efficiency improvement of the photovoltaic industry.

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