
Pingshan District Chief Mr. Li Yong and Leadership Team Visited Our Company

Column:Company News Time:2019-07-12

  In the afternoon of June 17th, the Chief of Pingshan District Mr. Li Yong and his District Committee officers (the Government), leader of the Development and Reform Bureau, the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Finance Bureau and other leaders’ team visited S.C.  

  Mr. Yu Zhong, Chinaman of S.C, Mr. Wang Kangyu, secretary of the board of directors, Ms. Tan Xiangping, director of the asset management center and Mr. Zhao Youqiang, director of the administrative center, accompanied these leaders.  

  Leaders from Pingshan District visited S.C’s production workshop and the power station on the rooftop, to understand the production status, process flow, technical characteristics of the S.C’s equipment. Li Yong, the District Chief, gave high evaluation and recognition to S.C’s equipment production and innovation research and development capabilities.  

  After the visitation, the two sides went to S.C’s conference room for a working discussion. At the symposium, they first watched S.C’s company introduction video, which intuitively and vividly displayed and introduced the company’s industrial layout, major production equipment, patented technology, market identical customers, and social honors. The two sides then conducted in-depth exchanges on enterprise development.  

  In the meeting, Mr. Yu Zhong, Chairman of S.C, made a brief report to the District leaders based on the current situation and existing difficulties of the company. He said ”we are confident that we will do a good job in the new energy equipment industry and provide high-quality service for the construction of PV power station of Pingshan enterprises, so as to contribute to the development of Pingshan District.”  

  In view of the operation of S.C, Li Yong introduced the future development plan and prospect of Pingshan District. He hoped that S.C could continue to make the enterprise bigger and stronger for the society and the people with the concept of taking root in Pingshan District.

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