
S.C Kick-off Meeting for Standard Implementing of Management System of Integration of Information and Industrialization & Senior Management Awareness Training Meeting Held Successfully

Column:Company News Time:2019-07-12

  In the afternoon of June 21st, the kick-off meeting for standard implementing of management system of integration of information and industrialization & senior leadership awareness training meeting successfully held in the conference room of the S.C company. The meeting wad presided over by Mr. Zhang Yong, Chairman of the board of supervisors and director of R&D center. S.C Chairman Mr. Yu Zhong, deputy general manager Mr. Zhou Weizhong, director of the financial center Ms. Zhou Ning and other supervisors from various departments attended the meeting.


  At the kick-off meeting, S.C Chairman Mr. Yu Zhong delivered a mobilization speech, introducing the company’s development history, product research and development, informatization, industrialization and future strategic planning. Mr. Yu said it is necessary to carry out data intelligence analysis and realize intelligent decision-making management. According to S.C’s 3-5 years strategic plan, through product technology innovation, and in-depth integration of the information and industrialization, to achieve the middle goal of from single application to integration improvement stage and gradually taking the leading position in the PV industry, becoming the benchmark of the industry.  

  Meanwhile, Chairman Mr. Yu Zhong put forward specific requirements for the urgency and importance of the company’s standard implementing of management system of integration of information and industrialization. He hopes that all departments can implement the plan from the following five aspects: whole staff should coorporate and participate in the implementation and optimization process, standard implementing of management system of integration of information and industrialization, build new capabilities and cultivate talents. Improve S.C’s information project introduction, operation and maintenance management, and transform the whole staff’s concept of a new management mode for using internet information technology.


  Then, Mr. Zeng, the leading consultant of Shenzhen Bang Qi Information Technology Co., Ltd, gave S.C’s middle and senior management personal a training meeting on the knowledge of integration of information and industrialization. Mr. Zeng introduced the implementation background, national policy standard content of the two integrations, as well as the four development stages of the integration. He believed that the deep integration of the industrialization and informatization is an inevitable trend of the world’s economic and social development. As manufacturing company, S.C should firmly grasp the opportunity of the development of this round of internet economic era, realize the rapid transformation and upgrading, and adapt to the development needs of the new era.  

  The S.C kick-off meeting for standard implementing of management system of integration of information and industrialization & senior leadership awareness training meeting complete successfully. The training took the form of knowledge explanation + examination, which further deepened the participants’ understanding of the knowledge of the integration of information and industrialization and improved their awareness of it in all aspects. In the future, S.C will carry out its work in accordance with the promotion plan of the integration system and continuously improve, standardize and enhance the company’s management level.

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