
S.C Won the First Prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award with its PECVD Equipment

Column:Company News Time:2020-01-15

There was an exciting news for S.C at the beginning of the new year. Our PECVD( Horizontal Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) equipment of PD-405 series was awarded the first prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress Award. 

On January 2rd, Shenzhen Science and Technology Awards Conference, hosted by the party committee and government of Shenzhen, was grandly held in the Shenzhen Hall. The leaders at all levels of the party committee and government of Shenzhen and the representatives of the enterprises and institutions winning awards attended the conference. 

Mayor Chen Rugui chaired the awards conference, and Vice-Mayor Wang Lixin briefed on Shenzhen's innovation-driven development and the science and technology awards for 2018 and 2019 awarded by the government. Mr. Liang Yongsheng, the director of Shenzhen Science and Technology Award Office, explained the evaluation of Shenzhen Science and Technology Award in 2018 and 2019. Besides, Wang Weizhong, the vice-secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, made a speech. On behalf of the Party Committee and the government, he extended warm congratulations to all the winning units and individuals, and extended high respect and sincere greetings to the scientific and technological workers, enterprises and units. 

Mr. Li Shijun, S.C’s General Manager, attended the event and received the First Prize Certificate from Secretary Wang Weizhong on the podium. 

The Awards Site

Photovoltaic power generation is the new energy industry with the greatest growth potential and the best development prospects in the future, and it is an emerging energy economy pillar strongly advocated by countries around the world. At present, cost decreasing and benefit increasing has been the the main trend of the development of solar cells. S.C's Horizontal PECVD Equipment with the characteristics of "high throughput, reducing production costs and improving solar cell conversion efficiency" is exactly developed to achieve the goal of " cost decreasing and benefit increasing". 

S.C has been adhering to the concept of “Leading Technology, Advanced Management and First-class Service”, and this award is an encouragement and approval for S.C’s“Technology Leading”in products. In the future, S.C will continue to dedicate to technological development and innovation to provide higher cost-effective products for the photovoltaic industry, and contribute its own strength to show "outstanding Chinese style and Chinese strength".


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