
Automatic Wafer Handling System for PECVD

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Automatic Wafer Handling System for PECVD

Inline equipment, which can be integrated with one or two boat-boat interface PECVD equipment and realize the transportation of graphite boat and wafers load & unload automatically. This equipment can be applied in the process before and after PECVD process, which can load the wafers from the cassette to the graphite boat and transport the fulfilled boat to the PECVD equipment or transport the processed boat to this equipment and unload the wafers from the graphite boat to the cassette automatically.

Equipment Name:

Automatic Wafer Handling System for PECVD

Equipment Model:


Equipment Application:

Inline equipment, which can be integrated with one or two  boat-boat interface PECVD equipment and realize the transportation of graphite boat and wafers load & unload automatically. This equipment can be applied in the process before and after PECVD process, which can load the wafers from the cassette to the graphite boat and transport the fulfilled boat to the PECVD equipment or transport the processed boat to this equipment and unload the wafers from the graphite boat to the cassette automatically. 



1、With modular design,which can inline integrated with one or two sets of PECVD equipment.

2、With PC control,tablet computer operation,which is easy and clear for operation.

3、Online micro-crack detection,film thickness detection,color inspection system,online CCD wafer warpage detection and automatic dealing with NG wafers(need extra charges).

4、Inline/offline configuration.

5、Compatible with AGV,RFID system,MES function optional.



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