
The First HJT Cell Successfully Processed from the Pilot Line of S.C Changzhou Research Institute

Column:Company News Time:2021-07-20

On July 20th, along with the fiery red sun rising from the east, the first piece of HJT solar cell successfully processed from the pilot line of S.C Changzhou Research Institute.

The Changzhou Research Institute of S.C is a technical platform that specializes in the research and development of new technologies of advanced solar cells, which supports the R&D and validation of domestic innovative equipment in China, including S.C, and promotes the progress of the PV industry. The Institute is composed of senior industry experts from China, the United States and Japan, with expertise covering the HJT solar cell technology ecosystem. The HJT pilot line of the Research Institute lasted 50 days from the move-in of the first equipment on June 1 to the production of the first cell on July 20. With the first HJT cell successfully processed from the line, the main equipment and automation of texturing, A-si Coating, TCO, screen printing and other processes were fully connected, indicating that all process equipment has achieved functional stability and technical stability in 50 days, marking a new step in the R&D of S.C HJT solar cell technology and manufacturing equipment. Among them, the rapid use of large-chamber inline PECVD with excellent coating performance proves that the team’s technical heritage in the field of PECVD is trustworthy and deserves owning. Later, the pilot line will verify more technical forms of A-si coating & TCO coating equipment and processes quickly. 

From the R&D of HJT solar cell manufacturing equipment to R&D of HJT solar cell process, S.C has taken a completed independent R&D route. All the process equipment and automation equipment of this project are developed by S.C independently, with full intellectual property rights. Not satisfied with this, through independent research and development of HJT solar cell technology, S.C is not only capable of providing customers with turkey projects for the entire HJT solar cell production line, but also has the ability to continuously improve the conversion efficiency of HJT solar cells, and will carry out the goal of high-efficiency, low investment and low-cost HJT solar cells to the end.

Since its establishment, S.C has provided manufacturing equipment and services for more than 200 PV cell manufacturers worldwide, with nearly 1,000 cell production lines of various sizes, of which the market share of all types of process equipment exceeds 50% in the market, making it an important global supplier of crystalline silicon solar cell equipment. Through the long-term layout of HJT solar cell manufacturing equipment and process, with the help of pilot line platform, S.C can clear the obstacles for the localization of HJT manufacturing equipment and process with high efficiency and low investment, promote the comprehensive promotion of HJT solar cell technology in China, and push forward the company’s strategic goal of “Standing in the First Line of Chinese Corporations, Working for the World-class Brand”.

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