
S.C New Products Displayed in SNEC 2021

Column:Company News Time:2021-06-17

From June 3rd to June 5th , SNEC 2021 Shanghai International Photovoltaic Exhibition was held in Pudong New International Expo Center. As a leading manufacturer of crystalline silicon solar cell equipment in China, S.C sent a team of more than 70 people to attend this event.

On the exhibition, with the theme of “Standing in the Top Line of Chinese Corporations, Working for the World-class Brand”, S.C displayed its latest products in the form of posters combined with exhibition machines. It also demonstrated the full-scene smart manufacturing solution of super high efficiency heterojunction (HJT) cells and created a new ear of smart manufacturing of HJT solar cells.


During most of the time, S.C’s booth was crowded with visitors. The newly launched HJT smart production line, AGV smart production line, Horizontal Diffusion/Oxidation/Annealing Equipment (6 tubes), horizontal PECVD(6 tubes), SE laser doping equipment, TOPCon Horizontal Boron Diffusion Furnace, TOPCon Horizontal PECVD (poly-Si),new generation of metallization production line and other products have received a lot of attention from the PV industry. S.C adheres to the first-class R&D and manufacturing level, and is committed to reducing the cost and increasing benefits and providing satisfactory products and services for our customers.

       Under the “Carbon Peak” & “Carbon Neutrality” target, PV industry has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities. Although the industry is facing short-term supply chain pressure, it could not stop the hot scene at the exhibition site. S.C will take a new height, follow the market demand closely and create greater value for our customers.

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