
S.C Won the “HJT Equipment Localization Technology Breakthrough Award”

Column:Company News Time:2021-05-25

The 2nd “Sun Valley” on  Heterojuction Industry Project Promotion and International Forum hosted by Jiangsu Taixing High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Jiangsu Province was held on May 21st morning, experts from all over the country engaged in photovoltaic industry and specializing in HJT technology gathered here, to open the 2nd China-Taixing “Silicon Valley” on HJT Industry Project Promotion and International Forum. Shi Dinghuan, former Counselor of the State Council and President of China Renewable Energy Institute; and Lv Runzhou, Vice Mayor of Taixing Municipal People’s Government, attend this conference.

       During the conference, S.C received a good news that in the “HJT Industry Innovation Award”session of the “Sun Valley” International Forum, S.C won the “HJT Equipment Localization Technology Breakthrough Award”.

S.C is a leading national high-tech enterprise in the research and development, manufacturing and sales of crystalline silicon solar cell manufacturing equipment in China. As the first core equipment manufacturer of heterojuction and perovskite cells, S.C has independently developed the manufacturing equipment for the whole HJT production line(including automation) and localized all equipment from texturing to printing process, helping the domestic HJT equipment  “reduce cost and increase efficiency” to a higher level!

In the future, S.C will continue to maintain the development direction of ”Leading technology, advanced management and first-class service” and dedicated to improve the R&D, manufacturing, service capabilities of new energy manufacturing equipment, so as to contribute to the goal of “Carbon Peak” and “Carbon Neutrality”!



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