
Summer Cooling & Warming the Heart Xinbei District Federation of Labor Unions Sent Care to Changzhou S.C

Column:Company News Time:2023-08-15

Changzhou Xinbei District Federation of Labor Unions officially launched the 2023 Summer Well-being “Three Sends” (i.e. sending careness, safety and law campaigns) Care Activities on 4th August. The leaders of the labor unions visited Changzhou S.C and distributed 280 sets of summer cooling supplies including laundry detergent, towels, florida water and 50 boxes of drinking water to the company on 8th August. Changzhou S.C’s management representatives expressed their gratitude to Changzhou Xinbei District Federation of Labor Unions for their care, and said that they would strictly implement the main responsibility for heat prevention and cooling, care for front-line employees and provide service guarantee under high temperature conditions, safeguard the rights and interests of employees, and ensure the safety of the majority of employees in summer.


On the afternoon of the same day, the send cooling team composed of the company’s safety committee, general manager office and personnel administration department walked into the high-temperature workshop to express condolences to the front-line employees, expressed their appreciation and respect for employees sticking to their posts despite the heat and distributed all the supplies and ice lollies to them. At the same time, the team carried out fun game activities and heat prevention advocacy, so that workshop employees could learn practical knowledge and skills related to heat prevention and cooling in a cheerful tone. 



Employees who received the condolences expressed that they would definitely turn the company’s care and concern into working motives, stick to their posts as always, do their jobs meticulously, practice the company’s core values of customer satisfaction, continuous innovation, fast and distinction, pursuit of excellence, embrace the spirit of hard working, perform their duties, work hard, strive for excellence, complete production tasks resolutely, showing the high morale of “S.C” people.

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