
Caring for Employees & Gifts for Members

Column:Company News Time:2023-08-15

In order to strengthen the construction of S.C’s Trade Union Committee and better serve the majority of labor union members. On August 9th, S.C’s Labor Union Committee and Longtian Street Federation of Labor Unions organized an awareness campaign on real-name authentication themed Caring for Employees and Gifts for Members in the training room I on the 6th floor of the company.

Through on-site explanations by labor union personnel, distribution of publicity materials and other forms to popularize the knowledge of membership, publicize and introduce the benefits of joining the trade union, and guide employees to join the union through the public number of the Shenzhen Federation of Labor Unions by scanning code and on-site real-name authentication.

Employees who have completed the real-name authentication can get exquisite gifts distributed by the labor union at the event, such as umbrellas, washing powder, shower gel and so on. An employee who has just completed the real-name authentication said, “The labor union has such benefits! I just joined but I didn't know much about the benefits of the labor union, thanks to the company’s labor union for this awareness campaign!”

This activity has made the inclusive work of the S.C’s Labor Union Committee more comprehensive. Next, we will continue to carry out employee’s service activities featuring diverse and rich, so that the majority of employees can feel the love and warmth of the Labor Union Organization, and enhance their recognition and satisfaction with the S.C’s Labor Union Committee.

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