
Safety Production in the Heat of Summer & High Quality Development

Column:Company News Time:2023-08-15

Summer in Shenzhen is unbearable, with high temperature scorching the earth. As one of the key enterprise in the Pingshan district, Shenzhen S.C has recently received the warm care from the Party Committee of Longtian Street, Pingshan District and Longtian Street Federation of Labor Unions. Shenzhen S.C has been given more than 200 boxes of cooling beverages and more than 20 boxes of fruits, energizing the company’s further efforts in summer cooling and safety production in the high temperature. This activity aimed to send cool and care to the front-line employees, but also motivate their morale and work enthusiasm.

Shenzhen S.C’s leadership expressed their gratitude to the leaders of the Party Committee of Longtian Street, Longtian Street Federation of Labor Unions, and Zhukeng Community Federation of Labor Unions for their careness, and the labor unions as the representative sent all the cooling supplies to the front-line employees of various departments on the same day, delivering care and love like their family. Employees were urged to take summer cooling measures in the high temperature, and pay attention to their own safety and health. 


▲Representatives from various departments received the cooling supplies 

A piece of goods is an expression of a care. Employees tasted them while sweetening their heart. “We feel a breath of coolness in the hot summer, thanks to the leaders of the Party Committee of Longtian Street and Longtian Street Federation of Labor Unions for supplies, thanks to the leadership of the company’s care”, the employees who received the supplies expressed that they would turn this care and love from the labor unions into motivation, devote themselves to work with the best mental state and healthy body, and contribute to the development of the company.

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