
S.C’s PE-Poly Equipment Contributes to the Leading Cell Efficiency for Our Customers

Column:Company News Time:2023-09-22

As S.C’s TOPCon equipment has been delivered in large quantities one after another, S.C has maintained close cooperation with downstream customers. Following the intensive commissioning process in a record time of just over 20 days, mass production was rapidly achieved for a PE-poly routed TOPCon production line, while the average efficiency of the solar cells utilizing the PE-poly route on the customer's production line continues to rise. Recently, the average conversion efficiency of mass-produced TOPCon solar cells at one customer site with the PE-poly technical route reached an industry-leading level of over 26%; while at another customer site, under close cooperation with the customer, the solar cells efficiency under PE-poly route has progressed rapidly to near 25%, demonstrating S.C's technical advantage and leading status in the R&D of PE-poly technical route.

As a technology-driven supplier of manufacturing equipment and technical solutions in the photovoltaic and pan-semiconductor fields, S.C has always been committed to improving the technology R&D and readiness of solar cell equipment in each technical route. Firstly, the R&D team is constantly growing and we currently have an R&D team of nearly one thousand technicians, including excellent technical teams from home and abroad, who together contribute to our industry-leading core R&D capability. We value the technical experience we've gained. As of the end of June 2023, we have acquired 500 patents of various types, including more than 50 patents for inventions. Through years of practical experience, the patents have laid a solid foundation for the continuous development and renewal of later products.

Along with the rapid development of solar cell technology, S.C has comprehensively developed layout in technical routes of high efficiency and super high efficiency solar cells such as TOPCon, HJT, XBC, Perovskite and Tandem solar cells, etc. As a globally leading solar cell manufacturing equipment supplier, S.C is taking the responsibility to guide the development of solar cell equipment technology, ensuring reliable equipment supply for the development of the domestic photovoltaic industry and fulfilling S.C's mission to work for the development of green industry and dedicate to offer clean energy.

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