
Successful Delivery of the Vacuum Coating Equipment (5-in-1) for Perovskite Tandem Solar Cell: A New Era for Film Preparation

Column:Company News Time:2023-09-29

Recently, S.C's Vacuum Coating Equipment (5-in-1) for Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells was successfully developed and delivered to our customer after successfully passed the FAT test. The Perovskite Tandem Solar Cell Vacuum Coating Equipment (5-in-1) will have a significant impact on the field of thin film preparation. Integrating multiple technologies such as RPD, multi-source vapor deposition, RF sputtering, pulsed DC sputtering and DC sputtering, etc., the revolutionary technology of this equipment enables sequential deposition of different kinds of thin films in a vacuum environment, including TCO (ITO, IWO, ICO, IZO), Cu, SnO2, NiO, etc. Moreover, it maintains excellent properties between the interfaces, providing chief equipment support for studies in materials science, electronic engineering and optoelectronics, etc.

Technologies Integrated in One: Combining multiple technologies such as RPD, multi-source evaporation, RF sputtering, pulsed DC sputtering and DC sputtering, etc., this equipment enables sequential deposition of thin films in a vacuum environment. This innovative technology is versatile for multiple applications and opens up new possibilities for studies in materials science, electronic engineering and optoelectronics, etc.

Cost Reduction: The footprint of perovskite solar cell manufacturing equipment, as well as the cost of operations and pilot costs, can be significantly reduced by adopting this equipment, which performs multi-layer film deposition in a maintained vacuum environment and effectively increases the efficiency of perovskite solar cells.

Low Energy Bombardment + High-rate Coating: The RPD tool in this equipment has advantages such as low energy ion bombardment, low surface damage, fast deposition, long minority carrier lifetime, etc. The RPD tool could deposit thin films with better film compactness, higher conductivity, and better light transmittance, which are critical to increasing the efficiency of the solar cells. Moreover, RPD equipment is capable of high rate coating and large area thin film production.

Optional Functions: This equipment offers optional variations of components, including cold traps, process atmosphere separation between adjacent coating chambers, heaters, etc., so that the customers may customize configurations according to their own requirements and try out different combinations of perovskite thin films.

As a technical company committed to solar cell manufacturing equipment with years of technical experiences, S.C is dedicated to providing high-quality solar cell manufacturing equipment and full production line solutions for customers. S.C integrates talents and technologies and works closely with a number of scientific research institutes and industry partners, in order to carry on promoting innovation and application of thin film technology. The launch of the Vacuum Coating Equipment (5-in-1) for Perovskite Tandem Solar Cell further strengthens our leading status in technology and continues to drive progress in photovoltaic high-efficiency technology.

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