
The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Pingshan District Visited Shenzhen S.C, for the Purpose of Promoting Government-Enterprise Cooperation and Regional Development

Column:Company News Time:2023-11-16

On November 8, Mr. Liao Shuhua, the Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Pingshan District, Shenzhen, and his entourage came to Shenzhen S.C to investigate and study in depth the development and technological innovation achievements of the company. The officials were warmly received by Mr. Yu Zhong, chairman of S.C, and other leaders. The purpose of this investigation is to promote cooperation between the government and the company, and to jointly promote the sustainable economic and social development of Pingshan District.

The company leaders guided the officials through the manufacturing workshop and exhibition hall. Mr. Yu and other leaders introduced the product line, production technology, technological innovation achievements, etc. of the company in detail. Mr. Liao Shuhua, along with other officials of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress, gave high praise and affirmation for the production management, production procedure, quality control and other works of the company.

On the investigation seminar, the officials further discussed with the company about several problems, such as how to enhance government-enterprise cooperation and promote the economic development of Pingshan District. After introducing the development of the company, the photovoltaic industry and the company's layout in the semiconductor and other industries, the company’s chairman, Mr. Yu, said that as a leading enterprise in the industry, all economic indicators have increased significantly this year, with the output value in the first ten months of this year exceeding the 10 billion mark for the first time. The prospects for future development are promising, thanks to the strong support of the district leaders. The company will further strengthen technological innovation and talent training, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the company, promote high-quality development of the company, and hope to achieve more results in government-enterprise cooperation, as well as jointly promote the economic prosperity and development of Pingshan District.

The director, Mr. Liao, said that the Government of Pingshan District will actively support the development of enterprises, actively listen to the demands and suggestions of enterprises, provide enterprises with high-quality public services, and create a fine business environment. In the future, the government will continue to pay attention to the development trends of outstanding enterprises such as Shenzhen S.C, support enterprises to achieve greater breakthroughs in technological innovation, market expansion, etc., and make greater contributions to the economic development of Pingshan District.


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