
The International PV Conference Was Held in Shenzhen, as Industry Elites Gathered at S.C

Column:Company News Time:2023-11-16

Recently, the 34th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-34) & 20th China Photovoltaic Conference (CPVC20) was held at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center. A large number of experts, scholars and business representatives from all over the world attended the conference to study and explore the forward-looking PV R&D topics in depth, and to create value and contribute to the PV industry. In the midst of the conference, 50 industry elites visited Shenzhen S.C on November 8 for a unique tour and communication experience, where everyone had a better understanding and trust with each other, forming the foundation for future cooperation.

In order for the visitors from all over the world to better understand our production scale, technical R&D and latest progression, we organized our technical experts to guide them through our exhibition hall, manufacturing workshop, etc., narrating and communicating in English throughout the tour. The visitors applauded S.C for its efficient and environmentally friendly production line, as well as the rigorous and serious work attitude of its employees.

At the end of the tour, the visitors commented that they were impressed by the capability and potential of S.C and learned about the latest trends and technical innovations in the PV industry. They hoped to keep in touch with us in the future and contribute to the development and prosperity of the PV industry together.

This tour not only strengthened the friendship and trust between our company and the experts and leaders at PVSEC, but also laid the foundation for future cooperation. We believe that with the joint efforts of the global PV industry, the industry will be able to embrace a much brighter future.

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