
S.C Ranks 275th on “2019 Shenzhen Top 500 Enterprises” List

Column:Company News Time:2019-10-14

On July 30th, the "2019 Shenzhen Top 500 Enterprises" list was officially announced. S.C New Energy Technology Corporation, by virtue of its strong corporate strength and strong growth, ranks the 275th on the list, up 24 places from last year.

The "2019 Shenzhen Top 500 Enterprises" list, jointly issued by Shenzhen Enterprise Confederation and Shenzhen Entrepreneur Association, is mainly used to show the achievements of the economic development of Shenzhen. The organizer combed, analyzed and summarized the data of various business indicators, and comprehensively, systematically and truly reflected the current development situation and achievements of Shenzhen enterprises, which makes the report most influential and authoritative.

S.C 's selection of the Shenzhen top 500 enterprises is an important testimony and recognition of the company's active innovation and unceasingly enterprising. In future, S.C will continue to insist on "advanced technologies, advanced management and advanced services" and continuously improve the R&D capability of new energy equipment, increase market investment, further expand global business, focus on user experience, and continue to march towards the target of "Standing in the Top Line of Chinese Corporations; Working for World Class Brand" to create new sustainable growth momentum for the Shenzhen economy.


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