
S.C Awards“IPO New Star Award of Chinese Listed Company”

Column:Company News Time:2019-10-09

On August 11, sponsored by Securities Times and undertaken by China listed companies development alliance, e Company and Securities Company China, “the 13th Valuable Chinese Listed Companies Forum and the 1st Most Respected Investment Bank of Listed Companies Forum” was held in Shenzhen.

With the theme of “Core Assets, Value Guidance”, more than 500 people gather together in the Forum, including the leaders from relevant Ministries, Supervision Unit and the senior executives of listed companies in various industries, experts and scholars, and the investment banking elite, to discuss the current economic situation of listed companies and capital market opportunities and space.

In the Forum, the list of awards of “the 13th Valuable Chinese Listed Companies” and “the 1st Most Respected Investment Bank of Public Listed Companies” were announced. S. C (Stock Code: 300724) won the “IPO New Star Award of Chinese Listed Company” with excellent comprehensive strength.

This great honor is recognition of our company’s past performance. In the future, all S.C staff will continue to forge ahead and create a new and greater brilliance!

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