
Light Injection Annealing Furnace

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES > Metallization Equipment Series > Light Injection Annealing Furnace

Light Injection Annealing Furnace

By adjusting the Fermi energy level of the cell, controlling the total amount and valence state of H,improving the efficiency of H passivation and defect repair, to reduce the LID effect of P-type cells and improve the conversion efficiency of N-type cells.

Equipment Name:

Light Injection Annealing Furnace

Equipment Model:


Equipment Application:

By adjusting the Fermi energy level of the cell, controlling the total amount and valence state of H,improving the efficiency of H passivation and defect repair, to reduce the LID effect of P-type cells and improve the conversion efficiency of N-type cells.

Process Flow:

Pre-heating →Light Injection →Cooling


1、Dual-track production line, the rack and electrical parts completely independent without interfering operations of each other.

2、High throughput: match with the throughput of screen printing process, CT≤0.80s,based on silicon wafer size M10 (18X±0.5mm*18X±0.5mm). 


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