
Batch-type RCA Cleaning Equipment

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Batch-type RCA Cleaning Equipment

Used for wrap around removal & cleaning of the diffused silicon wafers.

Equipment Name

Batch-type RCA Cleaning Equipment

Equipment Model


Equipment Application

Used for wrap around removal & cleaning of the diffused silicon wafers.

Process Flow

Wrap Around Removal→Post-clean→Acid Clean→Post-clean→Acid Clean→Hot Water Drying→Drying (for reference)


1、Throughput: 400pcs/batch, 9600pcs/h(210mm wafer),480pcs/batch, 12000pcs/h (182mm wafer).

2、Various additive technologies available.

3、Wafer thickness down to 120μm.

4、With dry clean area and self-cleaning system.

5、Quick inline bath change.

6、Available with MES, RFID system, inline weight testing optional.


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